conferences | speakers | series

PyTexas 2023


start: 2023-04-01
end: 2023-04-02
venue: Austin Central Library Wikidata
city: Austin, TX Wikidata
country: United States 🇺🇸


17 talks

🎤 A Tale of Two Typings
Speakers: 👤 Thomas Stephens
📅 Sat, 01 Apr 2023 at 10:15 show details

🎤 Trust Fall: Hidden Gems in MLFlow that Improve Model Credibility
Speakers: 👤 Krishi Sharma
📅 Sat, 01 Apr 2023 at 10:45 show details

🎤 Exploring Socio-technical Security Concerns in Critical Open-source Python Repositories
Speakers: 👤 Jessy Ayala
📅 Sat, 01 Apr 2023 at 11:15 show details

🎤 A BuildEngineer in a buildless lang
Speakers: 👤 Joshua Cannon
📅 Sat, 01 Apr 2023 at 11:45 show details

🎤 Recursion for Beginners: A Beginner's Guide to Recursion
Speakers: 👤 Al Sweigart
📅 Sat, 01 Apr 2023 at 14:15 show details

🎤 Build your own ChatGPT
Speakers: 👤 Lizzie Siegle
📅 Sat, 01 Apr 2023 at 14:45 show details

🎤 Automating your Cloud Cost Analysis
Speakers: 👤 Amy Arambulo Negrette
📅 Sat, 01 Apr 2023 at 15:30 show details

🎤 Real-time Event Streaming with Python
Speakers: 👤 Dave Klein
📅 Sat, 01 Apr 2023 at 16:00 show details

🎤 Improving code without losing your mind
Speakers: 👤 Christian Bruckmayer
📅 Sat, 01 Apr 2023 at 16:30 show details

🎤 Practical Decorators
Speakers: 👤 Josh Schneider
📅 Sun, 02 Apr 2023 at 10:15 show details

🎤 Unlocking the Power of Health Data: An Introduction to FHIR and Python
Speakers: 👤 Aly Sivji
📅 Sun, 02 Apr 2023 at 10:45 show details

🎤 Having fun with application design
Speakers: 👤 Natalya Buga
📅 Sun, 02 Apr 2023 at 11:15 show details

🎤 Duck Typing, Metaclasses, & Recursion: Building a Generalized Deep Collection Type
Speakers: 👤 Joseph Nix
📅 Sun, 02 Apr 2023 at 11:45 show details

🎤 How to Build and Ship More Secure Python Apps with Sigstore
Speakers: 👤 Lisa Tagliaferri
📅 Sun, 02 Apr 2023 at 14:15 show details

🎤 HoloViz: Visualization and Interactive Dashboards in Python
Speakers: 👤 Sophia Yang
📅 Sun, 02 Apr 2023 at 14:45 show details

🎤 Put your Pants on and lint all your Python code!
Speakers: 👤 Aurelien Didier
📅 Sun, 02 Apr 2023 at 15:30 show details

🎤 Using Python for Digital Investigations
Speakers: 👤 Tristan Lee
📅 Sun, 02 Apr 2023 at 16:00 show details