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Advanced disk image management with libguestfs


Advanced disk image management with libguestfs

Libguestfs ( is a library and set of tools for securely and automatically performing many operations on disk images, from creating them to finding out what is in them.

In this 15 minute lightning talk, Richard Jones will talk about a few of the latest features, including the ability to churn out a new guest every 60 seconds using virt-builder, how to really compress disk images using virt-sparsify and xz. and "sysprepping" using virt-sysprep.

Libguestfs ( is a library and set of tools for securely and automatically performing many operations on disk images, from creating them to finding out what is in them.

It is a C library with bindings in many different programming languages. It also comes with many "virt-*" tools for performing common operations, such as building operating systems from scratch (virt-builder), resizing operating systems (virt-resize), sparsifying disk images (virt-sparsify), editing files (virt-edit) and more.

In this 15 minute lightning talk, Richard Jones will talk about a few of the latest features from the recently announced version 1.24. This will include a demonstration of how virt-builder can build a new OS image in well under 60 seconds. How you can really compress huge disk images down to relatively small files using virt-sparsify and xz. And how you can use virt-sysprep to "sysprep" cloned virtual machines.

Speakers: Richard Jones