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Re-thinking system and distro development


Re-thinking system and distro development

We believe system (and distribution) development needs to be re-thought from the basic concepts upwards. We've implemented some ideas for streamlining development, reducing development friction, speeding up system upgrades and adding support for downgrades and rollbacks, and generally making development of entire systems faster and more fun. At the level of individual, atomic projects, several great tools and development methods have been developed over the past decade or so. Few of them are applied at the system or distribution level. The Linux kernel development, for example, greatly benefits from the ease of branching and merging that git provides, but it is not possible to branch and merge the whole system, or distribution, consisting of hundreds or tens of thousands of individual projects. From the agile development worlds, automated testing, test driven development, and continuous integration are common-place for individual projects, but not so much for complete systems development. Would it not be nice to have them? Packages have been the darling child of Linux distribution development since the early days. They are a natural, modular concept, and have been one of the key factors behind the success of the distribution concept. Package managers have made it easy to install and remove and upgrade each piece of software separately, and to upgrade the whole system by upgrading each installed package. However, a modern distribution consists of tens of thousands of packages, and the combinatorial explosion of dependencies and interaction may be getting out of hand. In this talk we explore another way of approaching the packaging problem. We believe these and other changes are useful for bridging the current gap between upstream development and end users, to speed up system and distribution development, and to let system builders bravely hack what no-one has hacked before.

Speakers: Lars Wirzenius