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IronPython: Bringing the dynamic world to the CLR


IronPython: Bringing the dynamic world to the CLR

"IronPython is a member of the relatively new family of dynamic languages running on top of .Net platform, aimed to be a fully compatible implementation of the Python language, and released by Microsoft under the Apache licence, making it one hundred percent free. The Python platform itself has a big and vibrant community, and stands as one of the best and most used dynamic languages int the FOSS world. IronPython thus lets the .Net developers try this amazing language -being possible to smoothly invoke it from C# using the new dynamic features implemented as part of the 4.0 version-, and also lets the Python developers try the sweet bits behind the Mono and .Net platforms. I would be talking about the basics of IronPython, how it related to the standard implementation, how it interacts with C#, how to use the hosting API, and finally would take about a new IronPython addin for MonoDevelop I've been working in."

Speakers: Carlos Alberto Cortez Guevara