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MariaDB 5.3's query optimizer: taking the dolphin to where he's never been before


MariaDB 5.3's query optimizer: taking the dolphin to where he's never been before

A typical recent version of a MySQL-based product focuses on letting you run the same queries on more CPU cores, or having better replication. MariaDB 5.3 is very different: its focus is the new query optimizer features that let you run queries that were traditionally considered off-limits for MySQL.

MariaDB 5.3 is getting stable: 5.3.3 Release Candidate has been released in December, and one can expect another, almost? stable release in January or February. This talk will show: - What kinds of traditionally no-no queries are now okay to run, - What optimizations are used to execute them, - How the new optimizations behave for typical kinds queries and popular benchmark suites. In conclusion, we will discuss relationship with other MySQL branches: which of these new optimizations will also be in MySQL 5.6, what are the differences between MySQL and MariaDB variants, and what one can expect to see in Percona server.

Speakers: Sergey Petrunya