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A real Skype alternative using standards compliant FLOSS


A real Skype alternative using standards compliant FLOSS

The University of Strasbourg has built a 'Skype replacement' for ~60,000 users using open source standards and software.

A few years ago the French Ministry of Education and Research, issued a memo that strongly advised against use of Skype in universities and research centers. Security and excessive bandwidth consumption were among the main concerns. In practice however, the directive has been rarely applied for one major reason: (perceived) lack of alternatives. Therefore, in the beginning of 2011, the University of Strasbourg has started an effort that aims to propose an actual Skype alternative to both its faculty and students (~60 000 users). The project started with a number of extensions added to the Jitsi project in order to add support for features such as GTalk interoperability for example. It then continued with a deployment of the actual network using exclusively FLOSS projects such as Openfire, Jinglenodes, FreeSWITCH/Asterisk, TurnServer and others. The talk will also cover aspects such as NAT traversal with ICE and JingleNodes, redundancy, security and confidentiality.

Speakers: Emil Ivov