Ensuring visibility for your country's GLAM institutions on the Wikimedia projects
'''Slide deck:''' [[:commons:File:Ensuring visibility for your country's GLAM institutions on the Wikimedia projects (1).pdf|On Commons]]
'''Etherpad notes:''' https://etherpad.wikimedia.org/p/Ensuring_visibility_for_your_countrys_GLAM
It also cannot be done without active participation of people from all over the world. We can both use this as an opportunity to leverage existing partnerships and build new ones, engaging more GLAM professionals and educating them about how the Wikimedia projects can benefit their institutions.
In this session, we will '''share the ways''' in which you, too, can contribute to the project with data from your country. We will focus on the following:
* '''What's out there?''' Identifying GLAM material (data or multimedia) around the world that could be uploaded to the Wikimedia platforms. Why hasn't it – what are the obstacles? How can others help? We invite you to '''bring examples''' from your country that you find interesting and think they belong on the Wikimedia projects, as well as of obstacles you or your community has encountered.
* '''Tools and workflows.''' We share what we use to work with GLAM material and identify gaps in existing resources that make our work harder. We invite you to think about what you *really* '''wish''' existed.
* '''Beyond Wikimedia.''' Uploading all this data and resources is great, but it's even better if we can help them make an impact on society. How can we show the benefits of our work to both the GLAMs and the general public? And how can GLAM professionals be involved more directly?
We invite you to '''bring your own experience''' from working with GLAMs on the Wikimedia projects, so that you can share it with others.
[[Category:2019:Partnerships submissions]]
Alicia Fagerving