When new editors start in Wikipedia they face a lot of challenges: technical, cultural and systemic challenges. As a result, a lot of new editors quickly leave Wikipedia and never come back. The question of how we can retain new editors, how we can keep them motivated and help them learning what they need to know in order to become Wikipedians has immense importance for community growth This workshop will focus on mapping onboarding materials and efforts, like learning materials, mentoring programs etc. for Wikipedia online and offline in different communities. After a short input and an introduction of the used framework the focus of the session will be on the interactive workshop part. Using a structured approach participants will map and assess onboarding efforts in their respective communities and for different groups of users. The goal is to identify and share successful approaches and evaluate under which conditions a transfer to other communities is possible. The result of the workshop will be a structured map giving an overview under which conditions which onboarding efforts are being used, how successful they are and where future efforts could be directed.
Speakers: Christine Domgörgen Verena Lindner