As an extension of WikiFundi (, WikiChallenge African Schools and WikiAfrica Schools, Wiki In Africa is developing an Open Knowledge Curriculum for educators across Africa to teach learners about how global knowledge systems work, how content is created, and how they can contribute themselves. The intention of the project is to collaboratively develop (with all stakeholders) the Open Knowledge Curriculum as a fun, engaging and participation-oriented programme for application across multiple languages, contexts and formats. The Curriculum is being developed within the UNESCO guidelines framework for ultimate consideration by UNESCO, country governments and education stakeholders. It is intended that the Curriculum will be a considered, supported immersion for students to apply learnt 21st Century digital skills to global knowledge systems, through content production, licencing and copyright, etc. that ultimately results in online published material. An [ initial discussion] was held at the CC Summit in Lisbon (May 2019). This workshop is an extension of the collaborative development of this project across the Open Movement.
Speakers: Isla Haddow-Flood Florence Devouard