Wiktionaries are textually documenting languages. The number of items documented is already in the hundreds thousands to millions, depending on Wiktionaries. Yet, languages, words, expressions, spontaneously include orality which is poorly represented. We here want to record languages vocabulary at large scales, in an easy and quick fashion (the [[:en:Wiki Wiki Shuttle|wiki-wiki way]]). LinguaLibre.fr was create for this purpose : massive and rapid audio recording. The tool has 3 strategic objectives : # record to document, study, teach, '''protect minority languages''', thus preserving access to pools of traditional human knowledge # record to ease '''macro languages learning''' and access to higher, world class educations # record to ease the '''creation of text to speech systems''', which helps populations with sight issues to better access knowledge. After one year of action and 150,000+ recordings, we would like to spread the word of this interesting and impactful tool.
Speakers: Hugo Lopez Lucas Mahuton Possoupe