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Rethinking public sector data ecosystems - Open Government Data, Semantic MediaWiki and Wikidata


Rethinking public sector data ecosystems - Open Government Data, Semantic MediaWiki and Wikidata
Wikimania 2019

In the session the question will be discussed how data from the public sector is generated and made publicly available. Very often, cumbersome processes are in place until finally data (e. g. from official statistics) reach Wikipeda. Often this is done through publication in Open Government Data portals and voluntary efforts to add official data as source in Wikidata. In the talk, a redesign of the ecosystem of how public sector data is generated, distributed and made available will be presented, facilitating Semantic MediaWiki as data tool. The relation to Wikidata/Wikibase, Open Governmen Data portals and official statistics will be discussed.

Speakers: Bernhard Krabina