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Wiki- ... who? Brands, Titles and Representation in policy matters


Wiki- ... who? Brands, Titles and Representation in policy matters
Wikimania 2019

Recently, at the first Wikimedia Workshop on Public Policy (W2P2) in Madrid, it was discussed how public policy people in the movement handle titles, denominations, brands and so on when it comes to political communication. It seems notorious that people and organisations outside the Wikiverse misunderstand who can speak for whom within the Wikimedia movement, or sometimes even actively disregard that if that suits their needs. This also relates to the suggested re-branding of the Wikimedia Foundation to the “Wikipedia Foundation” (with branding implications also for the other organisations and structures in the movement). In this session we want to continue the Madrid discussion and as some tough questions like: Is there a separate Wikimedia Movement, distinct from the communities of Wikipedia, Commons and the other projects? And if so, where’s the dividing line and what are the connections? And what does it all mean for our communication in public policy matters?

Speakers: John Weitzmann Lilli Iliev