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Wiki LGBT+ meetup


Wiki LGBT+ meetup
Wikimania 2019

This meeting is the annual in-person [[:meta:Wikimedia LGBT+|Wikimedia LGBT+]] meetup. The meeting has 3 parts - #Brief introductions from attendees to promote collaboration #Showcase of outcomes of LGBT+ projects in the last year #Statements of present challenges and wishes to promote LGBT+ interests #Plans for next steps to take this learning and bring it back to our communities This meeting will be documented in text. The intent of publishing shared notes is to create a publication record for any individual who wants to list themselves publicly as an advocate for Wiki LGBT+, to promote project outreach in hopes of finding collaborators and readers, and to contribute to the documentation of challenges on which basis we seek to improve Wikimedia for LGBT+ content and contributors.

Speakers: Shikeishu Jeffrey Keefer Lane Rasberry