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How to measure a giant squid and other thoughts about Wikipedia’s quality


How to measure a giant squid and other thoughts about Wikipedia’s quality
Wikimania 2019

Now that Wikipedia has been around for more than 18 years, it's time for us to look back at the past successes and failures with regard to improving and measuring content quality. The session will address a number of questions that we'll try to answer collaboratively, like: (1) What are good examples of existing initiatives that successfully improved content quality? (2) What are the key ingredients that make such initiatives effective? (3) What are the drivers that encourage us and others to improve content quality? (4) Which things keep us or others from spending time and efforts on contributing high-quality content to Wikipedia, Commons, and other projects? (5) Which aspects of content quality have we neglected in the past and how can we do better going forward? (6) How have we measured content quality in the past and what are our thoughts on how we can improve in this area? – The session will start with a couple of examples provided by the session leader and then offer participants the opportunity to share their own unique experiences and stories. What e.g. works on the English Wikipedia might not work on the Arabic Wikipedia and we'll aim at taking a more holistic view on content quality than what we'd be able to do if we just looked at it from our own perspectives. Wikimania offers a great opportunity for bringing people from different projects and backgrounds together and getting inspired by what we learn from each other.

Speakers: Frank Schulenburg