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Quality issues in the Northern Saami Wikipedia


Quality issues in the Northern Saami Wikipedia
Wikimania 2019

[ The Northern Saami Wikipedia] has three main quality issues that we are trying to identify and address: language quality, structural quality, and information quality. The language quality of material in the Northern Saami Wikipedia ranges from appallingly bad to native-level writing, some of which is caused by the proficiency level of editors, but also stems from a lack of reference material to use in writing articles or translating them. Structural quality encompasses issues like the interface, templates, infoboxes, fallback languages, and being able to use the language on all Wikimedia projects. Information is judged to be of dubious quality for many reasons such as poor-quality source texts being used in translations, outdated information, poor-quality or outdated images, inadequately sourced information, article stubs, and fake “Saami” material from the tourist industry being used as if it were real. Each of these issues requires its own solutions which Wikimedia Norway and Wikimedia Finland are working to address together.

Speakers: Kimberli Mäkäräinen Astrid Carlsen