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Valgrind Support in the Eclipse IDE


Valgrind Support in the Eclipse IDE

For developers, it can often be a bit of a learning curve to learn the proper use of a new tool. For certain development tools the entry barrier can be quite high and can often discourage users. The Linux Tools Project aims to improve the state of C/C++ development on the Eclipse IDE by integrating popular tools, such as Valgrind.

This talk is aimed at people of varying experience with the Valgrind tool who have never used it within the Eclipse IDE.

An overview of the Eclipse Valgrind plugin provided by the Linux Tools Project will be given. Topics discussed will include :

  • Quick overview of the Linux Tools Project
  • Introduction to the Eclipse Valgrind plugin

Demonstration - Memcheck, Massif, Helgrind, Cachegrind support - Eclipse Platform specific integrations (Error markers, Problems View) - Simple Auto-correction for common Memcheck/Helgrind problems - Support for execution on remote targets

  • Possible improvements to Valgrind tool

  • Challenges faced regarding Valgrind tool

Speakers: Roland Grunberg