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DIY mobile usability testing


DIY mobile usability testing

In this session we will show how to build a simple, cheap and portable testing lab to run and capture usability studies with mobile devices.

Back in 2009 we decided that recording usability tests for mobile devices was too hard and too expensive, and that logistical issues were preventing people from running sorely needed usability studies for their mobile software. The outcome of that was crappy mobile software all around.

There had to be a better way, so we set to find it. And find it we did. We called it "Do it yourself mobile usability testing", we released it under a Creative Commons License, and has been doing the rounds in design circuits ever since. We have showed it at EuroIA, the IA Summit, South by Southwest Interactive, Mozfest, UX Spain, UX Sofia, UXLX ... we can't even remember all of them. We now want to show it at FOSDEM, and do justice to the open nature of the project from its inception.

The session will skip the theory bits (20 minutes is not enough), but it will include a brief review of the most common capture approaches for mobile usability studies. Then we build the usability lab in front of you, so that you can see how easy it is, how cheap ... and how fun!

Speakers: Belen Barros Pena