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Frosted Embedded POSIX OS


Frosted Embedded POSIX OS

FROSTED is an acronym that means "FRee Operating System for Tiny Embedded Devices". The goal of this project is to provide a free kernel for embedded systems, which exposes a POSIX-compliant system call API. In this talk I aim to explain why we started this project, the approach we took to separate the kernel and user-space on Cortex-M CPU's without MMU, the collaboration with the libopencm3 project to provide a high quality hardware abstraction layer and the future goals of the project. Of course there will a demo showing our latest developments: dynamic loading of applications and possibly TCP/IP communication.

Frosted is a free POSIX operating system for embedded systems based on the ARM Cortex-M CPU family. The goal of the project is to provide a POSIX compliant system calls interface in order to be able to run small libraries and applications in userspace. Even if it runs on small systems with no MMU and limited resources, Frosted has a VFS, UNIX command line tools and a HW abstraction layer which makes it easy to support new platforms and device drivers.

In this talk I will explain the approach we took to separate kernel and user space, the design choices we made for the OS internals, our collaboration with the libopencm3 project and our vision on the future of Free and Open embedded systems.

Of course there will a demo showing our latest developments: dynamic loading of applications and possibly TCP/IP communication.

Speakers: Maxime Vincent