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SOZip: using directly (geospatial) large compressed files in a ZIP archive!


SOZip: using directly (geospatial) large compressed files in a ZIP archive!
FOSS4G 2023

SOZip ([Seek-Optimized ZIP]( is a new open specification on top of the ZIP archive format to compress one or several files organized and annotated such that a SOZip-aware reader can perform very fast random access (seek) within a compressed file. SOZip makes it possible to access large compressed files directly from a .zip file without prior decompression. It is not a new file format, but a profile of the existing ZIP format, done in a fully backward compatible way. ZIP readers that are non-SOZip aware can read a SOZip-enabled file normally and ignore the extended features that support efficient seek capability. We will present how SOZip works under the hood and discuss about SOZip implementations, in particular in [GDAL](, which make it possible for its downstream users, in particular [QGIS](, to read seamlessly and efficiently large compressed files in [GeoPackage](, [FlatGeoBuf](, or shapefile formats.


Speakers: Even Rouault