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Calling All FLOSS Founders


Calling All FLOSS Founders

Have you (or a group of friends) started a free software project? How about a usergroup or conference? Maybe you haven't yet, but are definitely considering it. Or, have you tried to start something new and found it didn't work out the way you wanted? Have you witnessed the rise and decline of projects and events, and are you willing to share your stories? Come to the FLOSS Founders BoF and discuss your experience! Alright, so this isn't just a meet and greet. Two researchers from the University of Washington studying founder decisions would like to reach out to the source to learn what works and what doesn't. We'll both be at DebConf this year and are interested in gaining perspective from people who are willing to participate in a group discussion, sharing their thoughts about the process behind how FLOSS things are founded, and how that foundation may in turn influence their development and sustainability. Hope to see you there!

Speakers: Wm Salt Hale Kaylea Champion