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GoVarnam, a new "Intelligent" Input Method for Indian Languages in Desktop & Mobile


GoVarnam, a new "Intelligent" Input Method for Indian Languages in Desktop & Mobile

Varnam is an input method to easily type Indian languages on desktop, mobile and web. GoVarnam is a transliteration library written in Go. It is a near port of [libvarnam]( "libvarnam"). It supports multiple Indian languages. An IBus engine for govarnam helps to write Indian languages with ease on GNU/Linux distributions. This talk is about how GoVarnam works, how it can be used in GNU/Linux and other platforms, even mobile. libvarnam was long waited to be included in Debian packaging but it never happened because of SQLite dependency issues. But with this new port, things become more easier and possibly a future inclusion in Debian. Project Repos: The intended audience is Debian and other GNU/Linux users who are looking for an easy offline tool to write their Indian language in their distros. I will cover: * How Varnam works * Difference between libvarnam and GoVarnam * Different Varnam sub projects (web editor, ibus engine, mobile keyboard) * Future plans GoVarnam is still in development but will have a beta release before DebConf. I intend to do a full announcement via this talk.

Speakers: Subin Siby