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Designing a graph library for JavaScript


Designing a graph library for JavaScript

While a lot of languages already have comprehensive libraries to handle graph data (like networkx in python), the same cannot be said for JavaScript.

This talk discusses how we were driven to create a multipurpose graph object specification for JavaScript and what were the design issues we soon had to tackle from implementation choices to API naming.

The result of this work is the graphology specification & reference implementation which we present to open it to feedbacks & contributions.

We will first review the state of the art of graph libraries for JavaScript and discuss the issues which brought us to create a new projet from scratch.

Then we will explain why we chose to design an open specification for a standard API rather than only providing a library.

Finally we will present the reference implementation & the attached library of algorithms and justify the technical choices made, before presenting our future roadmap and related projects (a new version of the graph rendering library, sigma.js, notably).

Alexis Jacomy

Alexis is CTO of Matlo, a data discovery web app. He spent last years working on tools to help people explore data. He also develops multiple JavaScript tools with Guillaume Plique, notably sigma.js to visualize networks in web pages.

Guillaume Plique

Guillaume Plique is a developer at SciencesPo's médialab working on a variety of Open Source projects in JavaScript, Clojure & Python. He specializes in developing software for social sciences researchers and often works with graphs, natural language processing and UIs.

Speakers: Guillaume Plique