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Yocto based IoT device


Yocto based IoT device

Yocto/OpenEmbedded is a very famous build system for embedded Linux and according to the last "IoT developper survey", it's the the most used OS for IoT devices. During the conference, we will describe some advanced Yocto/OE features in order to build a simple sensor based on Raspberry Pi zero.

Building a sensor with Yocto could be quite simple. During the conference we will explain hown to integrate an I²C sensor with Raspberry Pi zero.

  • setting up Wi-Fi connection
  • writing recipe for I²C temperature/pressure device control
  • adding a Linux service to get data from sensor through I²C bus
  • adding NTP client with Yocto package management (SMART)
  • building a dedicated distro for the device
  • adding everything to a new layer (meta-iot)

Speakers: Pierre Ficheux