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Tackling the LibreOffice update problem


Tackling the LibreOffice update problem

The crash reporter showed that the LibreOffice project has a serious update problem with users using old versions and not updating to newer versions. The talk will present the work on the automatic updater as well as the approach to collect some user statistics to improve the crash reporter.

Based on the Mozilla updater code an automatic updater has been under development for the LibreOffice project for quite some time. Based on the experiences with the crash reporter the need for an automatic updater has been shown to be a serious problem for the project. The talk will show the current approach used in the automatic updater code, open challenges and how this allows to rethink the installation and packaging experience. Based on the prototype server the talk will also show how the server can be used to generate am estimation for active daily users (ADU) and how the information about the number of ADU can be used to enhance other services.

Speakers: Markus Mohrhard