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Adventures in Building Unikernel Clouds


Adventures in Building Unikernel Clouds

Unikernels are often touted as being the building blocks of next generation of cloud infrastructure. However, even the process of compiling and booting them remains daunting for the average developer let alone building out infrastructure for them to live on. In this talk we'll dive deep into the various layers of infrastructure one needs to understand in order to build out their own infrastructure for unikernels. What might seem simple at first quickly becomes difficult as one needs to cast aside preconceived notions of what an operating system and application are and how they might interact together. We'll approach everything from hypervisor orchestration to filesystems, networking and best practices for CI and testing. The attendee should be comfortable exploring unikernel cloud concepts by the end of the talk.

Unikernels are often touted as being the building blocks of next generation of cloud infrastructure. However, even the process of compiling and booting them remains daunting for the average developer let alone building out infrastructure for them to live on. In this talk we'll dive deep into the various layers of infrastructure one needs to understand in order to build out their own infrastructure for unikernels. What might seem simple at first quickly becomes difficult as one needs to cast aside preconceived notions of what an operating system and application are and how they might interact together. We'll approach everything from hypervisor orchestration to filesystems, networking and best practices for CI and testing. The attendee should be comfortable exploring unikernel cloud concepts by the end of the talk.

Speakers: Ian Eyberg