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WebCam based games


WebCam based games

Introduction to Computer Vision via WebCam game example.

  • Try WebCam game during presentation
  • Understand, how motion detection works with the help of OpenCV libraries
  • Understand, the problem of low lighting and noise
  • Hear real-world example of using WebCam games
  • Fork and create your own WebCam game

Who should attend

  • [Mostly] Software developers, especially with the background of C/C++ or willing to learn OpenCV – because speaker would be illustrating principles, how his game works, so later you could (fork and) create your own version.
  • Project managers and entrepreneurs, because some business cases would also be discussed
  • Bored people, who just want some interactive game during the presentation.

Back-story for the presentation

  • Colleague from HR: I found a video about augmented gaming climbing wall, would it be hard to implement something like it.
  • Well... I was playing with similar technology some time ago – answered. Found my 6 years old project and to my surprise – it was still working (actually spent about an hour to install dependencies and fix include values). That is what backward-compatible open source software really means :)

WebCam based games still gives WOW effect (still trending, still looks new). But why it is not mainstream after 6 years? To answer that question, lets dig into some implementation and bussiness use cases.

Content of the presentation/DEMO

  • Introduction: LIVE demonstration of WebCam based game: Yes – audience could play from their seats by moving their hands :)
  • Business case: Why not mass production? Example: advertisement for IT recruitment and meetups
  • Implementation details: rocket science or comparing pixels (visual debugging info would be shown, while others are playing)? The problem of lighting and noise.
  • Discussion/question: Why not mainstream: hardware problems, trend to (not) learn C/C++, difficulty of OpenGL lighting (if there would not be other questions)

Speakers: Aurelijus Banelis