Magnum is an OpenStack service offering Container Clusters as a service, with support for Docker Swarm, Kubernetes, Mesos or DC/OS. Users of the service can deploy clusters of thousands of nodes in minutes, and access them securely using their native APIs.
In the first part of this talk we introduce the Magnum service. We present its basic and more advanced features, including support for heterogeneous clusters, cluster upgrades, cluster drivers and the ongoing effort to make it rock solid.
Next, you can get idea if how Magnum is integrated in CERN’s cloud infrastructure. How it started as a pilot service, the efforts done to add missing features and how CERN’s users benefit from it. CERN’s use cases include end user physics analysis, web services, continuous integration, infrastructure services and more.
Finally, such a complex service needs to be tested and benchmarked in depth, so the last section includes the results of a series of tests done in CERN cloud infrastructure and the CNCF testing infrastructure scaling the different container orchestration engines to thousands of nodes. Specifically, we report results of running several thousand containers in Kubernetes and scaling a service to millions of requests a second.
Speakers: Spyros Trigazis