Algorithms are the new boogie men in social control and institutional discrimination. There is bias and lack of accountability in the algorithms that determine who gets hired for a job, who can get a loan, who qualifies for insurance, and even who goes to jail.
Well-designed algorithms can eliminate natural human bias. But with black-box algorithms, humans seem to be losing control over the machines that control our lives.
Sharing the source code implementing algorithms isn’t enough. Bias may be built into algorithms: for instance, an algorithm using actual random stops and arrests could recommend harsh treatment for blacks, as they are targeted more frequently by cops.
Research suggests a counter-intuitive approach to ameliorating bias. One must not be blind to demographic categories who experience discrimination--instead one must actively monitor these factors.
Panelists will present their views for a few minutes, then taking comments and questions from the audience.
Speakers: Andrew Oram Ifeoma Ajunwa Geoff A. Cohen Ben Green