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Hebocon: terrible robot fighting tournament


Hebocon: terrible robot fighting tournament
Electromagnetic Field 2022

Hebocon is Robot Wars for those who are not technically gifted. Twirling assemblages of junk face off against hot glue monstrosities, whilst some contenders might fail to move at all. The most successful robots are those which are truly ‘heboi’: pathetic, and constructed without the technology or skill that you’d usually expect in a robot fighting tournament. Join us to watch the robots battle it out and take joy in failure! All are encouraged to enter a robot to the contest, simply visit the information desk to register your robot prior to the tournament. We’ll also be running a robot building workshop for anyone who’d like to construct (or embellish) their robot at EMFCamp prior to the tournament - see the separate workshop event for details.

Speakers: Tamar Willson