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A Life Without Stickers is Possible But Useless


A Life Without Stickers is Possible But Useless
Electromagnetic Field 2022

Stickers are an essential part of our culture, our values. Stickers are everywhere! But why? This talk will provide serious, evidence-based insights into the newest developments of the evolving discipline „Sticker Research“, including an overview of the the most recent peer-reviewed publications, highlighting the most valuable facts and findings. (And some stickers, of course.) ==> Update 2022-06-04 ~12 am - temporary agenda + Terminology + History of sticker science + Where are we now? Current developments. + Panini-Psychology: only the next hype? + Stickers and Covid: Remote Sticker Operation Center (“RStOC”) + Take-aways (do not include physical stickers)

Speakers: eph