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5 Recipes to Fashionable Airflow Data Engineering Pipelines


5 Recipes to Fashionable Airflow Data Engineering Pipelines
PyCon Sweden 2021

Live broadcast: Apache Airflow has become one of the most popular data toolings. Due to its high complexity, it could be challenging for all teams and companies. For example, how to effectively construct an orchestrate architecture on diverse cloud platforms, how to productively accelerate your engineering and machine learning workload at scale, and how to smartly decouple your Python codebase for professional testing and easy maintenance.

In this session, we will present five recipes that have helped us scale data jobs and to reinforce as a data-driven AI-leading company. Key take-ways: - Orchestrate Architecture - Auto-Build Airflow DAG - Data Quality - Auto-Cost Evaluation - Auto-Cataloging

Speakers: MENG Qiang Dahmane Sheikh Grzegorz Skibinski