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Creating your first documentation site for your Python code


Creating your first documentation site for your Python code
PyCon UK 2022

You have built an awesome API; time for some exposure! How do you keep a documentation website up-to-date as your code evolves? This workshop teaches you how to write, generate, host, automate and version your documentation easily so it becomes part of your software development life cycle.

Good API documentation is crucial to a new library’s popularity and its adoption by other developers. In this workshop, you will learn how to build a documentation website for your Python code from scratch using Sphinx, a powerful documentation generation tool. Sphinx makes it easy to keep your API docs in sync with your code and you will put it in practice in a provided example project. By the end of the session you will learn how to: - generate HTML documentation for your API - customise your website’s appearance - host your documentation online on GitHub Pages - version your docs to follow the releases of your code - use GitHub Actions to automate all the above as your new code updates are merged into your source Prerequisites: In order to attend this workshop you will need to bring a laptop with `git` and `python` installed ([`python3.10`]( is recommended), as well as a GitHub account.

Speakers: Olga Matoula Aya Elsayed