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Intro to FARM Stack: FastAPI, React & MongoDB


Intro to FARM Stack: FastAPI, React & MongoDB
PyCon UK 2022

FastAPI is an asynchronous Python web framework that is "performant, easy to learn, fast to code & ready for production; React is one of the most popular JavaScript frameworks; and MongoDB is a database that stores JSON-like data. Let's build an app to put them all together!

A full-stack web application usually consists of a front-end that talks to a server, and a database that the server uses to store data. The FARM stack is a stack that consists of React on the frontend, FastAPI on the server, and MongoDB behind the scenes, storing the data. This tutorial will introduce the stack components as part of a small application that will be partly pre-written. Once the component pieces have been introduced, I'll show how the application can be modified and extended, and how this affects each layer of the application. I'll explain how changes to the React model require changes to the FastAPI layer, and how these migrations can be applied to the database. 90 minutes isn't very long to introduce so many topics! Attendees will leave with an understanding of the advantages and disadvantages of using these components to build complete web applications, an idea of what it's like to work with a FARM application, and a thorough list of places to go to find out more.

Speakers: Mark Smith