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Giving Python to non-developers: A real-life story


Giving Python to non-developers: A real-life story
PyCon UK 2022

Learn how JPMorgan gave access to Python to hundreds of non-developers: what infrastructure was required, what training was given and how to shift the culture. Lessons learnt from the human side of Python.

When JPMorgan decided to give Python development tools to hundreds of non-developers, it was a no-brainer. Given the huge amounts of financial data available and the tools becoming easier to use, it made sense to allow the business to extract relevant information directly themselves. But how? Clearly the infrastructure had to be there: a Python development & runtime environment, access to data and to JPMorgan analytics. But having the infrastructure ready was only the beginning. We needed training. It needed to be relevant, rewarding, and even fun. And what about the culture? How do we get non-developers to take their first plunge into Python, and then get into good development habits, without becoming full-time developers? This is the story of our on-going journey. We learnt some important lessons along the way. We’ll share them so that you too can give Python to non-developers.

Speakers: Philippe Masson Rita Kesrouani