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The bumps in the road: A retrospective on my data visualisation mistakes


The bumps in the road: A retrospective on my data visualisation mistakes
PyCon DE & PyData Berlin 2023

We will delve into the importance of effective data visualisation in today's world. We will explore how it can help convey insights from data using Matplotlib and best practices for creating informative visualisations. We will also discuss the limitations of static visualisations and examine the role of continuous integration in streamlining the process and avoiding common pitfalls. By the end of this talk, you will have gained valuable insights and techniques for creating informative and accurate data visualisations, no matter what tools you're using.

In today's world, effective visualisation is crucial for conveying insights from data. We will explore best practices for creating visualisations with Matplotlib. We will discuss the limitations of static visualisations and how continuous integration can help streamline the process and avoid common pitfalls. I will share my practical experiences and learned lessons from working with analytics drawing on the insights of well-known experts such as Edward Tufte, Stephen Few, Alberto Cairo, and Dona Wong. The work of these authors has helped shape our understanding of how to create informative and accurate visualisations. I will reflect on what I wish I had known about the best practices in this field. This talk is suitable for professionals who work with data and want to improve the effectiveness of analytics and reporting. Data visualisation is a form of communication that is important to learn how to apply to convey the stories that data tells us. By the end of this talk, you will have gained valuable techniques for creating informative analytics and an understanding of how CI can support your data visualisation projects.

Speakers: Artem Kislovskiy