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sigma.js, two years later


sigma.js, two years later

This talk will present how to solve some graph visualization use cases with sigma.js, an open JavaScript library dedicated to graph drawing.

Sigma.js is an open JavaScript library dedicated to graph drawing. It can display some medium graphs (tens of thousands of nodes, hundreds of thousands of edges, under some conditions), using Canvas, WebGL or SVG. Its API has been designed to facilitate the development of Web applications highly customized renderings and interactions as well as the most simple use cases. This talk will show how sigma can solve in action some common use cases, such as: - static graph visualizations: typically a graph that has already been "mapped" and exported from Gephi - dynamic exploration: for instance a neighborhoods exploration of a large graph - customized rendering: for example to make the graphs being displayed with a specific graphic guidelines - customized interactions: to adapt the behaviours to specific UX needs

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Speakers: Alexis Jacomy