Graphgen aims at helping people prototyping a graph database, by providing a visual tool that ease the generation of nodes and relationships with a Cypher DSL.
Many people struggle with not only creating a good graph model of their domain but also with creating sensible example data to test hypotheses or use-cases.
Graphgen aims at helping people with no time but a good enough understanding of their domain model, by providing a visual dsl for data model generation which borrows heavily on Neo4j Cypher graph query language.
The ascii art allows even non-technical users to write and read model descriptions/configurations as concise as plain english but formal enough to be parseable. The underlying generator combines the DSL inputs (structure, cardinalities and amount-ranges) and combines them with a comprehensive fake data generation library to create real-world-like datasets of medium/arbitrary size and complexity.
The genrated data can be visualized, directly imported into a remote Neo4j database or exported in a variety of formats.
Users can create their own models combining the basic building blocks of the dsl and share their data-descriptions with others with a simple link.
Speakers: Christophe Willemsen