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JFree - The Long and Winding Road (Ahead)


JFree - The Long and Winding Road (Ahead)

This year the JFree project (that’s JFreeChart and friends) turns 15! Though looking forward not backward is the JFree way, so this session will cover a couple of the latest free things we’ve been working on. We fly high above the low level virtual machine technology, even above the standard Java APIs, so if you want to soar with eagles (and your brain hurts from some other talks about complex low-level magic) then come a see some shiny graphical things and we’ll promise not to talk about anything that’s complicated!

In this session, you will hear about our recent JavaFX work, or get a quick demo of JFreeSVG, or maybe we’ll surprise you with something else graphical, awesome and free. :-)

Speakers: David Gilbert