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Creating an IoT device with ease.


Creating an IoT device with ease.

This talk will focus on how to adapt an existing distro like Tizen to the IoT world and try to answer some questions:

  • how 'small' is an IoT device ?
  • why starting with Tizen ?
  • what are the consequences on the software architecture ?
  • which adjustments for which components ?


  • How 'small' is an IoT device ?

    • memory size, CPU power
    • headless or not ?
    • wireless or not ? (which connectivity)
    • power consumption
  • Why Tizen ?

    • OS for everything !
    • connected
    • secure
    • Yocto-enabled
  • Tizen architecture revisited

    • Tizen APIs
      • Wearable APIs
      • OIC APIs (or AllJoyn APIs)
  • Tizen components to adjust:

    • linux kernel
    • display system: framebuffer (no GPU)
    • no graphics server (no weston, no X11)
    • embedded crosswalk on framebuffer
    • systemd -> uselessd
    • others ...

Speakers: Stéphane Desneux