Patchwork Toolkit
Patchwork is a toolkit for connecting various devices into a network of things or, in a more broad case - Internet of Things (IoT). The main goal of creating this toolkit is to have a lightweight set of components that can help to quickly integrate different devices (i.e. Arduinos, RaspberryPI's, Plugwise, etc) into a smart environment and expose specific devices' capabilities as RESTful/SOAP/CoAP/MQTT/etc services and data streams.
The key features of patchwork include:
- Lightweight (no RAM-consuming sliced pie of Java and OSGi, only bare necessities)
- Cross-platform (can be deployed on OSX/Linux/Windows, tested on RaspberryPI and BeagleBone Black boards)
- Language-agnostic (device agents can be written in any programming language, APIs can be consumed by app written in any programming language)
- Easily deployable (no JARs, no Eggs or Wheels for the core components, just a single native binary with statically linked dependencies)
- Easily extendable (integrate new devices without modification of the core components, drop in solution)
- Interchangeable (not happy with current existing Device Gateway or Catalog? replace it with another implementation without breaking the infrastructure)
- Not re-inventing the wheel (we re-use as many existing technologies and components as possible)
Alexandr Krylovskiy