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QGIS Tool for Landslide Hazard Assessment


QGIS Tool for Landslide Hazard Assessment

In Southern Kyrgyzstan, large areas are affected by high landslide activity, which regularly results in casualties and economic losses. There have been many efforts in the past and the present to analyze landslide activity in this large data-scarce region. Yet there is a need for creating a system capable of integrating all of the existing information and include the possibility for future updates. Due to the limited funds and multiple end users, minimization of costs and flexible accessibility are requirements for such a system opting for the use of open source software.

The presented tool has been developed as a QGIS plugin. That way, it is possible to take advantage of the core QGIS functionality and other plugins, e.g. the OpenLayers plugin. The plugin allows the user to access the data on landslides, their triggering and predisposing factors in an easy-to-use way. A typical workflow includes querying landslide and factor data for a certain time period and then assigning them to mapping units for further analysis. Besides data queries, the plugin offers tools for spatial analysis, e.g. finding the highest point of the landslide polygon as an approximation of the landslide main scarp, extension of the standard zonal statistics functionality for the derivation of landslide attributes, pixel- or polygon-based calculation of earthquake influence, etc.

Speakers: Darya Golovko