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A community-driven approach towards open innovation for research communication


A community-driven approach towards open innovation for research communication

The advancement of web technologies has created an opportunity for developing tools for real-time collaborations, text-mining, interactive data visualisations, sharing reproducible compute environments, etc. These tools can change the ways researchers share, discover, consume and evaluate research and help promote open science and encourage responsible research behaviours.

Through its Innovation Initiative, eLife invests heavily in software development, new product design, collaboration and outreach so that the potential for improvements in the digital communication of new research can start to be realised. In particular, we support exclusively the development of open-source tools, with extensible capabilities, that can be used, adopted and modified by any interested party and actively engage the community of open innovators.

In this talk, we will introduce the following projects: * Reproducible Document Stack (RDS), an open-tool stack capturing code, data and compute environment in a live paper to improve research reproducibility (see demo here) * Fostering collaboration and innovation through hacking: eLife Innovation Sprint

We believe that openness is crucial to the future of research, and by supporting the community and promoting open-source research software, we can help build a culture towards integral, collaborative, open and reusable research. We hope to share some of our visions and learnings, and invite feedback and contributions from the wider open-source community on the next steps forward.

Speaker bio

Emmy Tsang is the Innovation Community Manager at eLife, a non-profit organisation with the mission to accelerate research communication and discovery. She is responsible for the day-to-day running of the eLife Innovation Initiative, which supports the development of open-source tools, technologies and processes aimed at improving the discovery, sharing, consumption and evaluation of scientific research. Prior to joining eLife, Emmy completed a PhD in neuroscience at the European Molecular Biology Laboratory in Rome, Italy. She is passionate about building communities, fostering collaborations and developing technological solutions to make research more open, reproducible and user-friendly.

Twitter: @eLifeInnovation / @emmy_ft

Previous talks by speaker

  • Invited speaker, Biohackathon-Europe, November 2019 ( slides )
  • Mozilla Open Leaders X Launch party, October 2019 ( video )
  • Invited panellist, EMBL Open Access Week panel on “How is scientific publishing changing?”, September 2019
  • Invited speaker, SciLifeLab workshop on “Reproducibility and Data Reuse in Life Science”, September 2019 ( video, slides)
  • Tech talk, ISMB/ECCB, July 2019 (video, slides)
  • Speaker, OAI11, June 2019 (slides)
  • Invited demo, SSI Collaboration Workshop, April 2019

Speakers: Emmy Tsang