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AMENDMENT Regaining sovereignty over your router


AMENDMENT Regaining sovereignty over your router

Router Freedom is the right that every one has to choose a router/modem to access to the internet. For years, the FSFE has been successfully fighting for Router Freedom in Germany. Now the debate has reached the European level with Internet Service Providers imposing their specific routers to customers. Based on the lessons learnt in previous years, the FSFE is preparing an activity package for organisations and activists to assist them in their fight for Router Freedom in their own countries, as well as on the EU level.

Please note that this talk replaces one entitled "Open Source - Killing standards organizations or saving them" by Charles Eckel that has been rescheduled to be given at 11:40 instead.

Router Freedom is the right that every one has to choose a router/modem to access to the internet. In Europe, since 2016, it is protected by the Directive 2015/2120 - Net Neutrality Directive.

However, the status of Router Freedom in Europe differs from country to country. The core of the debate is the question of where the Network Termination Point (NTP) is located. This defines where the network of the ISP ends and where the network of the user begins. If the modem and router are considered part of the Internet Service Providers' (ISP) infrastructure, a user cannot claim sovereignty of their communication and security. Besides, ISP across Europe have been imposing their own routers to costumers in clear violation of the Net Neutrality norms.

When FSFE started the Compulsory Routers campaign in 2013, the legal situation in Germany was unclear and some ISPs were already infringing Router Freedom. Three years later, we have been successful: a law has been established which defines the NTP as the “plug” on the wall, so routers are considered the users' equipment and therefore not subject to contract limitations.

Based on the lessons learnt in previous years, the FSFE is preparing an activity package for organisations and activists to assist them in their fight for Router Freedom in their own countries, as well as on the EU level.

The lightning talk will present the basic concepts and show how the audience can organise the necessary steps in order to stard advocating for Router Freedom in their own countries.

Speakers: Lucas Lasota