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AMENDMENT Open source projects at Silicium retrocomputing association


AMENDMENT Open source projects at Silicium retrocomputing association

Presentation of open source projects made at or used by Silicium, a french non-profit organization for the preservation of videogame and computer heritage.

At Silicium, we have a large collection of old computers and videogames, that we periodically present to the public. But machines break down, especially media and drives, so we like to use mass storage emulators and have tested quite a few: we will present the open source ones that we like and use.

Moreover some of our members have retrocomputing open source projects of their own, such as FPGA-based emulators of old gaming consoles. We will present their works and the development techniques they use, notably the MiSTer FPGA platform and coverification with Verilator.

Note that this replaces "Emulation revisited - narrowing the gap between software and hardware" by Gregory Estrade who is no longer able to attend the event, but will include parts of it.

Speakers: BenoƮt Triquet Rene Speranza