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GNU Radio with a Rusty FPGA


GNU Radio with a Rusty FPGA

Spurred out of my need to write a fast decoder block and my seeming inability write presentable CPP code, we explore writing Rust bindings for GNU Radio block, and then implement a work function in the programmable logic of a Xilinx UltraScale+ FPGA.

  • Quick overview of the state of CPP <-> Rust bindings
  • Overview of a decoder block implemented on the FPGA.

Spurred out of my need to write a fast decoder block and my seeming inability write presentable CPP code, we explore writing Rust bindings for GNU Radio block, and then implement a work function in the programmable logic of a Xilinx UltraScale+ FPGA.

  • Quick overview of the state of CPP <-> Rust bindings
  • Overview of a decoder block implemented on the FPGA.

Speakers: Brennan Ashton