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Developing Bluetooth Mesh networks with Rust


Developing Bluetooth Mesh networks with Rust

Bluetooth mesh networks enable creation of large scale device networks and can be very useful for a variety of IoT use cases. As the state of open source tools around it needed some love, it was an ideal candidate for developing Rust stack to help developers use it in their solutions. In this session you'll learn about Rust tools available to develop embedded firmware, linux gateways and cloud applications for Bluetooth mesh solutions. We'll cover asynchronous embedded Rust with "Embassy" and "Drogue device" projects for writing firmwares and how to use them for mesh applications. Next, we'll explore the state of the mesh on Linux with "Bluez" and "Bluer" projects. We'll see how to use Rust and containers to develop mesh gateways. Finally, we'll describe the final piece needed to build end-to-end solutions, "Drogue IoT cloud". With this we laid down the architecture and tools needed to build usable mesh applications. The session participants will get a good overview of the whole stack needed to build mesh IoT applications. They learn the benefits of Rust for building this kind of software and find good starting points to get going with their projects.

Speakers: Dejan Bosanac