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Bringing Xen to CentOS-6


Bringing Xen to CentOS-6

In this talk, I will cover the work done, the targets and deliverables for Xen on CentOS-6 project and how this maps to the future of virtualisation on the CentOS platform. I will also cover potential migration options for people who have CentOS-5/Xen stacks operational at this point.

With the release of Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6, a decision was made at their end to drop support for dom0 / host level support for Xen; The CentOS linux Distribution follows the upstream mandate as close as possible - and therefore we lost Xen support as well. Now, a small group of people have brought Xen/CentOS-6 together again to address the needs of users who had invested in Xen on CentOS-5 as well as new adopters looking at Xen as a KVM alternative.

In this talk, I will cover the work done, the targets and deliverables for this Xen on CentOS-6 project and how this maps to the future of virtualisation on the CentOS platform. I will also cover potential migration options for people who have CentOS-5/Xen stacks operational at this point.

Speakers: Karanbir Singh