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Telephone Reception Management with Alice on Pi


Telephone Reception Management with Alice on Pi

Alice is an Open Source PBX management application aimed at hosted reception facilities.

Taming wild PBXes and meeting the fuzzy real-time requirements of human impatience are some of the challenges you face, when you build such systems. Using the Asterisk PBX, the Ada language, and AWS - the Ada Web Server, we take on the modern web armed with HTML5, Dart and WebSockets, to make Alice a reliable, commercial service for customers who consider answering the phone mission critical. I will present some examples of how Ada has made the construction of Alice - if not a walk in the park, then at least - reasonably easy and painless. During the presentation I plan to have a live example of Alice answering phones on a Raspberry Pi in front of the audience.

Speakers: Kim Rostgaard Christensen