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Carto-OSC: Activating Performance Spaces with Real Time Cartography


Carto-OSC: Activating Performance Spaces with Real Time Cartography
State of the Map 2022

First there were DJs and VJs. Enter the MJ (map jockey). Carto-OSC leverages open source libraries, data, and protocols to activate performance spaces – theaters, galleries, nightclubs – with projected, real time cartography. The Open Sound Control (OSC) protocol couples with a touch surface to control layer coloring and patterning, zoom/pitch/bearing effects, label typography, transits along road networks, and a variety of transitions purloined from cinema and visual music. Written in modern JavaScript, Carto-OSC would be unthinkable without a foundation of Open Stage Control, MapLibre, chroma.js, and OpenStreetMap data. This presentation describes its architecture, the impulses behind its creation, and includes documentation of its use in performance.

Speakers: Eric Theise