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Using OpenStreetMap in the case of the social and economic infrastructure mapping project of Togo


Using OpenStreetMap in the case of the social and economic infrastructure mapping project of Togo
State of the Map 2022

Since twelve years OSM has become a database that is heavily used around the world by various actors for various goals. We can mention navigation through mobile GIS application, map production, Geoportal deployment and others. In Togo, OpenStreetMap by its data and its tools were increasingly used in the framework of the national social and economic facilities Census project. This presentation will show how OSM was useful in this country-scale mapping project.

As part of the implementation of Togo’s Government roadmap 2025, it is planned to implement, among other initiatives, the project to map the social and economic infrastructure of municipalities and districts of the country. The final goal of this mapping project is to develop tools for analysis, management and optimisation of decision-making based on geospatial technologies and data for the central administration, technical services of the State and local authorities. OSM tools have been very helpful in several steps of the project. OSM tools have been very useful in the implementation of the project. Our presentation will highlight the steps and how OSM and open geospatial tools were used for the success of this national mapping project of Togo.

Speakers: Ata Franck AKOUETE